2003-2008 Al Quds University, Jerusalem
Setting up MINOR in Visual Communication, teaching typography, marketing and graphic design, preparing the MAJOR
2008 Heliopolis University, Bilbes, Egypt
Cooperating in the development of the graphic curriculum
2011 Tasmeem Design School
Writing the visual communication, jewelry- and furniture-design curricula
Teaching means sharing experience and knowledge with the objective to help students create their own future.
When developing design curricula the outcome needs to be defined first. What skills do we need to pass on for our students to become successful in their future profession ? Are we shaping the new generation that the market needs and absorbs ? The success of our students is the measure for the success of our teaching curriculum.
Teachers cannot force students to learn. We can help to motivate them, but they will have to run for themselves. A dynamic classroom, a competitive race between students is a lot of fun and makes teaching very enjoyable.